You have probably came across banners on the web about free hosting offered by Hostt and wondered if they are really true or just another company trying to scam you.

Well today we are going to look into Hostt and clarify things for you.


Free to Track Your Business

With the ability to continually access the latest software, they allow you to be able to oversee all aspects of your business to make informed decisions. They also manage every part of the hosting transfer process behind the scenes, including domain, file, database, and script transfer so you can focus on your core business.

Free to Get Support

Their free web hosting solutions all come with 24/7 support so you can reach out and know that help is there for you. Whether it is a question or concern, our experienced, knowledgeable team is ready.

Free to Save Money

In addition to free web hosting, they also give you value-adds like a free cPanel, thousands of website templates, a Google AdWords credit*, hundreds of exclusive, free SEO and website development offers from our partners and ongoing updates to our control panel and other technical features.

*The Google Adwords Credit is worth $100


You have to buy a domain from them

To get the free web hosting from them you should have purchased a domain from them of which costs $13 for a year. That about $4 higher than other web hosting services. 


I have not tried them but they look pretty legit to me and also a great opportunity for you to cut the fees of having to pay for hosting. I could recommend blogger for starters or wordpress and work your way up but you can visit them here.

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